Increase Instagram Followers [Video]

Instagram is a new mammoth that adds to a business’ brand, increase instagram followers and you’re well on your way to attracting qualified leads and connecting with prospects. Check out the video below to learn more on the steps you can take to increase instagram followers.

How do I grow my increase instagram followers and get great engagement?



One of the great things you can do is just be yourself, be personal. Forget about your business when it comes to Instagram. Instagram is a place where you need to connect with people on a personal level. Now, at some point you can tie your business in and let people know what you do, but that is not what its about. You want to create visual experiences for people that get them to reciprocate. If they feel personally connected to you in someway, they are going to show some love and that is really the key. What worked for me is that I went out there and I started making sure that I got pictures with every celebrity that I knew, and that worked for me – not saying that to toot my own horn or anything like that, that I hangout with celebrities. But you know, maybe that might work for you, go out there, get to know some influencers, get to know people that other people know – they can recognize their face. You would be surprised what that does. I took a picture with Jenny McCarthy and that did so much for me. So what I am saying is find something that works for you, it could be something really visual. If you run a spa company you may actually have lots of really beautiful images that you could take of like stones and aesthetics. But you could do some really cool stuff that get people to say “hey that looks so cool, that looks so nice!”. That is what you want, and the beautiful about Instagram is that people reciprocate, so when people like your stuff and when they start commenting, do the same thing for them. Show the love back and when you start to do that, you are going to start building that community around you as well.

seo strategy

SEO Strategy: Profit From Rankings [Video]

Your SEO Strategy is a gateway to all kinds of exposure from search engines. Take our word for it, with the right approach you can have your brand in front of MILLIONS of eyeballs… for free. Check out the video below, as Basim show’s you below how to do this organically!

How Do I Build a Profitable SEO Strategy For My Website?


The beautiful thing about SEO is that you can really play into this and you can really build your content in such a way so that you are attracting lots of people through those search engines. Google mainly because Google is the biggest mammoth out there. So you have got to think about how you can look good, not just in front of Google – like where Google actually rewards you for your content that you are putting out on the website – but also the users who are actually searching on Google. What you want to do is plug into the people that are searching through the long-tailed keyword, and maybe in some cases the short-tail. But mostly long-tail, where they are basically typing “what is the nearest restaurant near me that gives sushi?” or whatever. So you want to plug into that and you can use organic content to actually do that. You can actually base your articles and even videos like this, you can plug into SEO. Not social media, don’t worry about the social media part, focus on your website. HubSpot actually did a study where they found if you have over 311 index pages on Google, you are going to increase your traffic by over 230 percent. So that is crazy! If you actually follow through on that, you are going to start seeing those kinds of results as well. So follow through on that because most people don’t and I think we all know that. So really just see and think about how you can create lots of unique and valuable content to pump out through your website or blog or resources section. Add value and the traffic is going to come.

Facebook PPC

Facebook PPC: 2 “Traffic Boost” Case Studies

Facebook PPC (Pay-Per-Click) doesn’t have to be a headache, it can be both lucrative and fun. We’re used to paying fractions of pennies for results on engagement, which really means that you can get engagement for small online advertising costs. This can lead to targeted leads for little acquisition costs.

Facebook PPC Case Study #1: $0.001 Per Result.


Facebook PPC

Many times we’ll find ourselves paying fractions of pennies for results on engagement, which really means that you can get engagement for little Facebook PPC advertising costs. It’s just a matter of making the decision to do so.


Facebook PPC Case Study #2: Driving Killer Conversions.


Facebook PPC

Facebook PPC

We’re going to break down the 3 key metrics you need to watch when evaluating your results. Whenever you’re looking to drive a successful Facebook PPC campaign, there are 3 metrics to keep your eye on.

Cost Per Result
This is fairly obvious, yet overlooked. Driving this number down is the key to having a cost effective and efficient campaign. If you ignore this, you won’t like what you’ll see in your credit card statement. Another important aspect to this metric is that you can watch your campaign and anticipate costs as it’s running. If you know that a certain approach is expensive, you can bail early and try another approach. Savvy marketers use A/B testing to make this happen, which in the most simplest form is just comparing one strategic outcome to another.

This is the most relevant (and most important) metric. It determines how your traffic responds to your marketing promotion. Conversions is your campaign objective. For some it will be impressions, but for others it could be the actual contact information of a web visitor. The latter requires tracking of some form so that you know when a person has successful went from facebook, and opted in. Therefore you should make sure you’ve added Facebook Pixel Tracking to the thank you page of your campaign(s).

This number is the third thing you should be looking at. It can be subjective, and you don’t really know what kind of reach you’re getting. What you do know about are the results acquired from it. How much traffic you’re grabbing from the reach is what’s most important. However without reach there is no campaign, so it is a “chicken or the egg” scenario.

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization Checklist

If you want to win big online, then you must consider improving your use Search Engine Optimization to improve your ranking. It really isn’t that hard, especially if you know the blueprint. Of course we’ll be giving you the complete checklist so you don’t have to go crazy. Don’t take our word for it though, try these tips to better your results online. You’re at the right place if you want to increase exposure and improve traffic. When search engines like Google or Yahoo see you’re making an effort, they’ll give you the props! When they like you, your impressions and clicks increase!

Use the Search Engine Optimization checklist to improve SEO ranking online.

  1. Have a Primary Keyword
    This isn’t hard at all. There’s a difference between “on-page” and “off-page” SEO. Your primary keyword must be set on-page. Once you do that search engines recognize your intent.
  2. More Than 300 Words
    Keep adding content until you’re over 300 words. No seriously, this is a big one. Do not neglect this. Having more content is valuable, and won’t be ignored! Avoid being lazy and take the time to write great content.
  3. Use The Description, Title, & Headlines
    These are all ways to get on search engines. In fact this is the first place you should start. Your keyword should be prominent in all three. You’ll be rewarded for getting your primary keyword as the first few words in your title.
  4. Credible Outbound Links
    Link your article or page to a resource away from your website. Do that and you’ll benefit.
  5. Short and Simple Sentences
    Keep it simple. If you follow the principles of Flesch-Kincaid Readability Tests you’re on the right track!
  6. Low Keyword Density
    You should have your primary keyword placed a few times across your content. Keyword density score helps measure that. It can be subjective, but to give you a sense this article is 0.7% in keyword density, which is awesome! We mention our primary keyword 5 times, can you guess which one it is? Don’t worry, we’ll reveal the answer in a bit!
  7. Placement of Primary Keyword
    There’s a few places where you’ll need your primary keyword. Your subheading should definitely include this. Your “Heading 2” (in HTML we call that <H2>) can have your primary keyword placed. You should also have it in the first paragraph setting as well. You’l have maximum impact on rankings this way!
  8. Credible Back-Linking
    Not the only way, but one of the strongest way to boost your Search Engine Optimization. By having forums and blogs mention your primary keyword and back-link to your specific article or page, search engines will crawl your listing. Just be smart with this. If you don’t understand it then don’t do it. You must make sure the content is authentic and raw! One of the more advanced ways to achieve authenticity and greater output is spinning content, and distributing it on a mass scale. Again, this is pretty advanced so just stick to writing authentic content if you’re not sure about this.
  9. Auto-Pinging Search Engines
    You can let the search engines know about your site! That’s right, who would have thought you could actually communicate with them!? Here are a few sites where you can submit your link:  and will get this job done for you!
  10. Alternative Tags For Images
    Every image you put online has an “alt-tag”, which is what helps you get on places like Google Images. Use this because it’s another source for traffic! Not everyone is looking articles, many people (millions) are going through images as well.
  11. Call To Action Link
    Don’t shy away from this. If you have something to sell, let it be known! Put a hyperlink to the page where people can contact you. You’re building internal links and that also helps your search engine ranking.
  12. Primary Keyword in URL
    Our primary keyword is “Search Engine Optimization” for this article. We’ve gone ahead and actually put it in the URL. We’ve found this to be a massive way to get the attention of search engines (especially Google). Make sure your permalinks include your keyword.
  13. 301 Redirects
    If you’re updating an article or page you’ve published before. You could be put in a position where you’ll have to redirect your old URL. Doing this will ensure that traffic to the old URL gets redirected. Besides, you don’t want anyone lost right?Need help with your Search Engine Optimization? We can help with that, contact us to get a quote.

How To Write The Perfect Tweet

Crafting the perfect tweet can be a bit of an obstacle course. Do you hashtag? Add visual elements? Or only talk about popular topics?

Using all of those elements will be beneficial, and will drive more interactions and engagement to your Twitter posts and content. But there are also a few more strategies that can be used to get more retweets, replies, and favourites. Check them out below!

It touches on current/relevant trends
Whether you are talking about the winners of the Power Ball lottery or the current episode of Making A Murderer, creating the perfect tweet always needs to include topics and trends that are happening currently. Check out the trending section of Twitter to see what everyone is talking about or check which hashtags are getting the most traffic currently. This way you will know someone will eventually stumble upon your tweets!

It is engaging
Twitter is a very accessible and open platform that allows anyone – even users who don’t follow you – access to stumble upon any of your posts. Thanks to Twitters openness, your tweets have the ability to be reached by millions of people in many different countries! In order to reach the masses, you have to come up with engaging content that can lure them in.

Don’t be afraid to voice your opinion – whether it be positive or negative. Many rememberable tweets have been the most controversial and opinionated. Sometimes sharing an unpopular opinion can spark conversation, which can draw attention to your post and your Twitter page.

It utilizes #Hashtags
Hashtags are a great way to connect and discuss events, or topics that may interest you and others on Twitter. Hashtags make it easier for people to find your posts and allows for more engagement and interaction to your page and content, through the use of retweeting or sharing.

Many studies have shown that tweets with one or two hashtags can double the changes of engagement. However, if you exceed two hashtags per tweet, the chances of engagement actually drops by a surprising 17% – which makes staying within the two hashtag limit crucial.

It uses some type of visual aspect
Whether it be in the form of a photo, a video or a info-graphic, people love visuals on Twitter. Studies have shown that tweets with a visual element attract the most engagement on Twitter out of all other types of tweeting.

Finding the perfect type of visual for your post is crucial for growing your interactions in the Twitter community. You will need to experiment a little bit to see what people will positively respond to – it will differ from person to person.

6 Things That Successful People Do

We all strive to be a successful person in either our career lives or our personal lives. Though what we define as “success” can range from person-to-person, there are common patterns that successful people do. Keep reading to find out what these six things are!

They never make excuses:
Making excuses takes up a lot of energy that successful people just don’t have time to waste. That is why regardless of the outcome of a situation, they will quit making excuses and move on, instead of fretting about something they cannot control.

They focus on their goals everyday:
When successful people know what they want, they wont stop striving for it until its theirs. They have the drive and focus to keep pushing every single day, no matter what gets in their way of achieving their goals.

They learn from their mistakes:
No one wants to fail, but there is always a lesson to be learned when something doesn’t go the way you want it to. Successful people know this is a fact, and always treat failing as something that they can learn from. Failing never gets them down, it just motivates them even more!

They surround themselves with people who inspire them:
Studies have found that the five people you spend the most amount of time with tend to have the most influence on the person you will eventually become. Successful people know this, which is why they surround themselves with individuals who motivate, and inspire them, as well as people they would like to emulate.

They work hard:
Successful people put in unbelievable amounts of hours into their careers, as well as their goals. They don’t just sit around waiting for everything to fall into place, instead they work hard and make their goals a reality with their own time and energy.

They take good care of themselves:
Successful people know that in order to work hard, they need to take good care of themselves. In order to get the energy that they need, successful people make sure that they are exercising, eating right, and getting enough rest every night – which helps them work hard, and play hard at the same time.

The 5 Most Memorable Social Media Marketing Campaigns of 2015

There have been countless unique and successful social media marketing campaigns over the last year, but five really stood out to us. Take a look at the ones we really enjoyed following this past year!


TOMS #WithoutShoes Hashtag on Instagram

TOMS Shoes has been known for their philanthropic efforts ever since the company was started in 2006. The company is known for their goal of donating one pair of shoes to needy children for each pair sold. This year TOMS Shoes extended their philanthropic efforts and used Instagram as their platform to execute their campaign. Every time someone posted an Instagram photo of their bare feet and used the hashtag #withoutshoes, TOMS Shoes would donate a pair of shoes. Through the campaign TOMS was able to donate 296,243 pairs of shoes and really increased their following on social media.


Lowe’s ‘Fix in Six’ Vine Videos

Lowe’s jumped on the Vine bandwagon in 2013, but really made a splash this year on the video sharing app. Lowe’s does a great job of capturing the essence of vine through their six second long DIY videos that are named ‘Fix in Six’ (#lowesfixinsix). While Vine appeals to a younger demographic, it has enabled Lowe’s to position their brand to attract attention from a demographic that they may have not been able to reach before – resulting in a growing following, as well as over 44 million vine loops per video.

bend rules

HP’s #bendtherules Campaign on Vine

HP took a different route this year when it came to showing off their design of the new HP Pavilion x360 convertible laptop. Instead of buying ads on social media platforms, HP teamed up paid social influencers on the video sharing app Vine. HP picked top vine stars such as Marcus John, Robby Ayala, and others to showcase the product and raise awareness through funny and entertaining short videos. The campaign excelled on the interactive app where some videos earned nearly 250,000 likes and more than 8,000 comments – impressive!


Burberry’s Live-Stream Fashion Show on Periscope and Snapchat

In June 2015, Burberry took live-streaming to the next level by using two powerful social media apps – Periscope and Snapchat- to provide video and photo updates from their menswear fashion show. The use of Periscope and Snapchat was an immediate successful and Burberry received the best digital engagement that the British fashion brand has ever had. Due to their first successful campaign, Burberry tried this type of live engagement once again a month later where they live-streamed their Los Angeles fashion show over Snapchat and Periscope again. This set a record high for their engagement, which brought in over 100 million viewers and proved that Burberry is on top of the live-streaming game!


Taco Bell on Snapchat

Taco Bell has been utilizing Snapchat in many different ways this year to engage followers as well as using Snapchat to market and advertise. Recently, Taco Bell has been using Snapchat to creatively launch new menu items and contests by uploading to their Snapchat story feed – giving exclusive access to just these followers. This type of exclusivity has proven to be very successful because Taco Bell now has a following of over 200,000 on Snapchat, and has a 90% return on engagement from followers – mind-blowing!

Lets see what 2016 has in store for social media marketing campaigns!

Use Burning Questions To Write Premium Content

Over and over I see businesses make the same mistakes. They think they know what their audience wants, and then go ahead and create content they think people will like! This approach doesn’t attract an audience because you’re not relating to them in the first place. This is exactly why you must ask your audience the right questions, you must know what questions they are asking. Ultimately this leads to the problems they’re facing. So what is the right approach? Study the process below, and try to relate to the example I’ve laid out for you.


When you build content, you should start with questions for your audience. These are your prospects, these are the very people that would buy from you, ask them “What are your 2 most burning questions about (your subject here)?” Once you’ve gotten at least 10 responses, you will know what’s valuable. You can store these ideas into a content back (Evernote is great for this) From this you’ll develop resources that’s considered premium content. Content that is valuable in the marketplace. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask direct questions to better understand your audience, that way you’ll know how to better position your content.
