Use Burning Questions To Write Premium Content

Over and over I see businesses make the same mistakes. They think they know what their audience wants, and then go ahead and create content they think people will like! This approach doesn’t attract an audience because you’re not relating to them in the first place. This is exactly why you must ask your audience the right questions, you must know what questions they are asking. Ultimately this leads to the problems they’re facing. So what is the right approach? Study the process below, and try to relate to the example I’ve laid out for you.


When you build content, you should start with questions for your audience. These are your prospects, these are the very people that would buy from you, ask them “What are your 2 most burning questions about (your subject here)?” Once you’ve gotten at least 10 responses, you will know what’s valuable. You can store these ideas into a content back (Evernote is great for this) From this you’ll develop resources that’s considered premium content. Content that is valuable in the marketplace. You’ll also have the opportunity to ask direct questions to better understand your audience, that way you’ll know how to better position your content.



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