How To Produce Valuable Content
In 1992 an average person in North America was presented with about 3,000 commercial messages per day. In 2006, that number hit 30,000 per day! For business owners this number is much higher. If we look at this now, you can only imagine where we are at with receiving commercial content. In fact, the invention of a junk mail folder was only a small step to relieve what seems to be a massive pain point for most consumers. In some countries governments are strengthening privacy acts to ensure people aren’t being targeted without permission, and relevant content is reaching. This really means that if you’re putting content out there in the marketplace, it has to be quality. Planning out your content will ensure you don’t make this mistake. I’ve seen this over and over, too many people come up with content in the last minute. You can tell with most blogs or articles that it hasn’t been looked over by a copywriter, or there hasn’t been thought on who the content is being sent out to. Really take the time to build your content, and make sure it’s there to pre-empt our buyer before the sale is made.
Once you’ve found your sweet spot with your content, it’s important to think about the delivery. This really just means how your user is going to receive the content. It’s a fact that over 65% of people are visual learners, which could mean that you should have enough content in the form of video to capture your audience. Are you able to convert your content into infographics? We’ve complimented this whitepaper with an infographic that breaks down the same concepts. Have a look and see the difference this approach could make. Then you may want to consider putting out enough audiobooks for auditory learners, these could be your most loyal engagers. Here are some vehicles that resonate the most with your audience:
- Video Courses and Modules
- Articles and Blogs (consider embedding video modules into your blogs)
- Research Reports and Whitepapers
- Infographics and Visual Diagrams
- Bio
- Latest Posts